Things To Know Before Applying For a Canada Temporary Visa

Canada has always been the most preferred destination for people wishing to immigrate mainly because of its highly ranked standards of living quality. A Canada Temporary Visa is very important to those applicants who want to enter in Canada without any further obligations. If you are a foreign national planning to stay in Canada for six months or more you will need a Canadian temporary resident visa.  Temporary residence status refers to people who wish to come to Canada for the purpose of visiting, working or studying.

What is a Temporary Resident Visa?

A Canadian Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) which also known as a visitor visa, is an official document issued by a Canadian visa office placed inn your passport showing that you have met all the requirements for admission to Canada as a temporary resident as a student, visitor or worker.

However, if you want to visit Canada, you need to meet certain Temporary Resident Visa Requirements as instructed by the government of Canada. Those requirements are mentioned as follows:-

  • First of all, you need to prove the visa office that you will be in Canada for a temporary stay
  • You must also, satisfy an officer that you intend to leave Canada at the end of your stay
  • Show that you have got sufficient funds to support yourself and your family members throughout your visit and for returning home
  • You have to abide by law and have no record of criminal activity
  • You should not have any intentions to study or work in Canada, unless you are authorized to do so
  • You have to provide a medical examination if required, in order to show that you are in a good health
  • When requested, you need to provide additional documents to the officer so as to establish your admissibility
  • You should not be a risk to the security of Canada

Given below is a list of required documents that you need to submit with the embassy in your country:-

  1. A valid travel document i.e a passport, from an eligible country
  2. A filled and completed Canada visitor visa application form
  3. A recent passport size photograph
  4. A travel itinerary for the intended stay in Canada
  5. A copy of a confirmed flight ticket for return
Furthermore, you also need to submit more supporting documents specific to your visa type indicating your purpose of travel. You also need to pay the visitor visa fee before your application could be processed.

There are a wide variety of programs offered by Canada for eligible individuals who wish to reside in Canada on a temporary basis. If you would like to be assessed for your eligibility, you can contact Satinder Dhaliwal Law Corporation. We offer different legal services to help you with your application for a temporary visa from within Canada. You can visit our website to know more. Our services also include expedition online applications or applications that are made at a port of entry or submitted by mail.


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